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  產(chǎn)品展示   船用球閥 >> 船用螺紋青銅球閥

青銅球閥CLASS800 ASTM B 148 C95800產(chǎn)品技術要求:Technical specification: FP (FULL PORT)全通徑  SEY:側裝式 FLB:浮動式球閥 1.技術性能:公稱壓力:Nominal Pressure: CLASS 150,CLASS 300,CLASS400,CALSS800公稱通徑:Nominal Diameter:DN15-DN40主體材料:Material:青銅,錫青銅C83600,鋁青銅C95800,鎳鋁青銅C95500 2.適用介質:適用于淡水、海水、燃油和t≤120℃的蒸汽。 Suitable Medium:Fresh water,Sea water,Oil fuel and t≤120℃ steam. 3.填料及閥座:采用聚四氟乙烯和氟橡膠。 Seat and packing:PTFE and FPM 4.內螺紋連接尺寸:G螺紋、BSP螺紋和NPT螺紋。 Connection dimension:Threaded G、BSP and NPT. 主要外形及連接尺寸 Main external and connection dimension:船用內螺紋青銅球閥

型號Type 管螺紋 Screw d L H D1
DN15 1/2" 16.0 65 60 126
DN20 3/4" 20.0 77 63 126
DN25 1" 25.0 88 80 145
DN32 11/4" 32.0 102 84 145
DN40 11/2" 38.1 110 96 204

Copyright 2015-2020 桂龍閥門(上海)有限公司 Inc. All rights reserved.
銷售地址:中國上海市古浪路355弄77號樓 郵編:200331
電話:021-56307985 傳真:021-56307985 QQ:2213380590